
American Literature 11.


American Literature

American Literature holds American Spirit!?

American Literature holds the spirit of being American by appealing to our feelings of living and working here in America. Writers of American poetry make it interesting for us to read because we can relate to what they are talking about. Unlike 19th century English poets, American Poets make it easy for readers to understand. If Emily Dickinson and Walk Whitman didn't appeal to readers on such a level, they wouldn't be as known as they are today. (:

What makes American Literature American?

I believe that free flowing structure, talk about the average american work day, and great emotion make American literature American. English poets liked to reflect on friendship and love, things that you may not think about every day. American poets, such as Emily Dickinson, liked to reflect on her thoughts with in the her day. Walt Whitman reflected on the American spirit, being able to do a job because that is what you enjoy.